A vintage 12 Bit 100 kHz ADC PCI card i built during my studies (last century, around 1993).

- ADC Chip is a Analog Devices AD1674KN, 12 Bit, 100 kHz
- Three 74LS224AN chips to create a 16x12bit FIFO
- UM8253-5 - Programmable Interval Timer for clocking
- D8255AC general purpose programmable input/output devices
- Two GAL20V8AS gate array logic chips doing sequence control
- Other misc chips like line buffers/drivers, flip-flops
- Custom SCO-linux driver
- Custom SCO linux software and scripts for data evaluation an plotting (C++, gnuplot)

External box for input signal processing and output of testsignals:
- +- 12 V power supply
- Signal input with anti-alias filter
- Trigger input
- Output of programmable rectangle waveform
- Some status led's

Test signal power amplifier: