An e-nable hand for bashar

See last chapter in this document for a log/history.
more ...See last chapter in this document for a log/history.
more ...Um mehrere feuchtesensoren vom typ HYT271 o.ä. an einem I2C bus zu betreiben, muss bei den sensoren die standardadresse 0x28 geändert werden.
Dazu gibts zwar (auf nachfrage) vom herstellersupport von HYGROSENS die software "ZSC31210_ZSSC3122_cLiteTester_v1_01", aber leider funktioniert die nur mit spezieller hardware ("SSC Eval Kit …
more ...Inhalt
See also this ultimaker forum thread: …
more ...Old Apple Newton MessagePad 130
Maybe at some time i will get to revive it and get it running again. As a first step i looked what is there and took some photos.
A vintage 12 Bit 100 kHz ADC PCI card i built during my studies (last century, around 1993).
A vintage DIY 6802 microcomputer system built by the 'hp Micro Computer Club' in the 1980-ies.
This was a gift from a friend. I got i running long time ago and until now it was collecting …
more ...This is a tensile test to judge layer bonding/strength of 3d printed parts (FDM).
Wanted to evaluate the z-strength of functional 3d parts, printed with ddPrint.
As we know, a FDM printed part is weaker in Z-direction than in the XY-directions. Good layer bonding means good Z-strength.
Layer bonding …
more ...Note: | Work in progress, documentation is incomplete and partly outdated. |
Note: | Development takes place on the next branch on github, code and documentation (this readme) may be more up to date there. |
DDPrint adds process control to FDM printer.
The process that is to be controlled is the process …
Ingenieur Rieger - Ihr Fachmann für den 3D Druck (FDM).
Ein paar Beispiele von 3D gedruckten Teilen finden Sie …
more ...Some parts printed with ddPrint.
Prototype parts of the X-Cat extinguishing robot remote control. Printed on the Ender5 with a 0.8 mm nozzle, filament is Herz Petg …