Some (quick & dirty) notes taken while installing/porting ddPrint on a Anycubic i3m (S) printer

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The anycubic i3 mega S is the successor of the anycubic i3 mega model. They are mostly the same, the mega s model has:

  • Different feeder (E3D Titan)
  • A spool holder
  • more? other mainboard?

Mount Flowrate sensor

Print sensor housing and mount incremental sensor. Feeder has a E3D V6 adapter outlet and we re-use the pneumatic coupler with 10mm thread. A short 2/4mm bowden piece is inserted between feeder and FRS.

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Todo: Upload and link Sensor housing stl.


TriGorilla V0.0.2 (TriGorilla 1.0?) CPU: Atmega 2560 Clock: 16 Mhz

Note:Labeling on the PCB for D42 and D43 (endstop pins) is reversed.

SD card is on external "I3 Maga-SD Socket V1.2" board with a 74HC4050 driver. SPI-MISO signal is connected directly to SPI bus.

Other board: "I3 Mega-SD switch Board".

Mainboard has a green debug led (connected to arduino pin D13).

Usb-Serial chip

CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller.

Flowrate sensor connection

No board schematic available (or does somebody has one?).

FRS is connected tho the SPI bus using 6-pin ISP header and one pin of the servo S1 header (arduino pin D11).

Connector ISP:

1: MISO        --> FRS MISO
2: +5V VCC     --> FRS +5V
3: SCLK        --> FRS SCLK
5: Reset
6: GND         --> FRS GND

Connector servo S1:

S: Servo pulse --> FRS ChipSelect

FRS connected to mainboard headers ISP and S1:

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Note:Had to make a small coutout on the "I3 Mega-SD switch Board" to make room for the ISP connector:
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"V5 J-Head", 40W heater.

Thermistor types

Bed: 1 : 100k thermistor - best choice for EPCOS 100k (4.7k pullup), B57560G104F.

Generate thermistor table with:

scripts/ EPCOS_100k_B57560G104F "EPCOS 100k (4.7k pullup), B57560G104F" "EPCOS_100k_4_7k" > /tmp/tt.c

Hotend: 5 : 100K thermistor - ATC Semitec 104GT-2/104NT-4-R025H42G (Used in ParCan & J-Head) (4.7k pullup)

Generate thermistor table with:

scripts/ ATC_Semitec_104NT "ATC Semitec 104GT-2/104NT-4-R025H42G (4.7k pullup)" "ATC_Semitec_104NT_4_7k" > /tmp/tt.c


Feeder is "Titan Extruder", outlet with E3D V6 style adapter, feeder wheel diameter is 7.3 mm (from

Feeder spring setting: relieve tension, then set tension by three turns of the thumbscrew.

Z Axis

Two z-motors and two z-endstops.

Readout of marlin settins

Settings of the factory installed marlin firmware:

echo:Steps per unit:
echo:  M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E384.00
echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
echo:  M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z8.00 E60.00
echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
echo:  M201 X3000 Y2000 Z60 E10000
echo:Accelerations: P=printing, R=retract and T=travel
echo:  M204 P3000.00 R3000.00 T3000.00
echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s),  Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s),  E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
echo:  M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X10.00 Y10.00 Z0.40 E5.00
echo:Home offset (mm)
echo:  M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo:Z2 Endstop adjustment (mm):
echo:  M666 Z0.00
echo:Material heatup parameters:
echo:  M145 S0 H180 B70 F0
M145 S1 H240 B110 F0
echo:PID settings:
echo:  M301 P15.00 I0.95 D65.00
echo:Filament settings: Disabled
echo:  M200 D1.75
echo:  M200 D0

Bill of materials


  • EMS Sensor
  • FRS housing
  • 10mm pneumatic couple (unscrewd from the existing E3D adapter)
  • 3/2mm ptfe liner
  • 4/2mm ptfe liner
  • Ribbon cable and connectors

Nice to have

  • Stronger heater (50W)

First prints

Some first prints done with the Anycubic I3M ddPrinter.

Bicycle business card (, printed with 0.4 nozzle, 0.2mm layerheight and 60mm/s feedrate:

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