Relative strenght test - evaluate layer bonding

This is a tensile test to judge layer bonding/strength of 3d printed parts (FDM).

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Wanted to evaluate the z-strength of functional 3d parts, printed with ddPrint.

As we know, a FDM printed part is weaker in Z-direction than in the XY-directions. Good layer bonding means good Z-strength.

Layer bonding …

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ddPrint - Adding Process control to FDM printers

Note:Work in progress, documentation is incomplete and partly outdated.
Note:Development takes place on the next branch on github, code and documentation (this readme) may be more up to date there.


DDPrint adds process control to FDM printer.

The process that is to be controlled is the process …

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3D Druck Dienste

Ingenieur Rieger - Ihr Fachmann für den 3D Druck (FDM).

  • Beratung und Hilfe beim Einsatz des 3D Drucks in Ihrem Unternehmen.
  • Erstellung von Prototypen im 3D Druckverfahren.
  • Erstellung von Ersatzteilen im 3D Druckverfahren.
  • Spezialisiert auf funktionale/stabile Teile.
  • Urheber des ddPrint Drucksystems.

Ein paar Beispiele von 3D gedruckten Teilen finden Sie …

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DDPrint on Ender-5

Some (quick & dirty) notes taken while installing/porting ddPrint on a Ender5 (pro).

Mount Flowrate sensor

Print sensor housing and mount incremental sensor.

(click to view large image)Click to close(click to view large image)Click to close(click to view large image)Click to close

Todo: Upload and link Sensor housing stl.


Creality3d V1.1.4 CPU: Atmega 1284p Clock: 16 Mhz

Flowrate sensor connection

Board schematic: …

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DDPrint on Anycubic I3 Mega (S)

Some (quick & dirty) notes taken while installing/porting ddPrint on a Anycubic i3m (S) printer

(click to view large image)Click to close(click to view large image)Click to close

The anycubic i3 mega S is the successor of the anycubic i3 mega model. They are mostly the same, the mega s model has:

  • Different feeder (E3D Titan)
  • A spool holder
  • more? other mainboard?

Mount …

more ... Helper to call CuraEngine from command line